I've had a look over my own scores which have 4/2 in them.
In practice the single semibreve rest doesn't seem ambiguous.
Especially with consecutive empty bars of 3/2 and 4/2 different whole bar rests look funny.

Steve P.

On 14 Jan 2011, at 16:42, Robert Patterson wrote:

I would stipulate that if the practice is less prevalent now, it is
primarily due to ignorance (caused among other things by notation program defaults) and the fact that 4/2 and longer meters are so extremely rare in contemporary music. That said, I expect most editors for major publishing
houses would probably be well aware of the practice.

As for 7/4, not only would I never use whole rests for partial measures, similarly I never use half-rests for partial measure in 7/8. I think doing
so would lack clarity.

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Darcy James Argue

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