On 23 May 2011 at 15:03, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

> If not RAID 1 (mirroring for those who don't know what it is), then at
> least an external drive to backup Daily to and/or a subscription to
> something like crashplan. In this digital age you really can't afford
> to NOT to have a backup plan.
> Though RAID1 won't keep you safe from accidental deletion or
> filesystem corruption (which is rare nowadays)

RAID1 has NOTHING to do with backup at all. My recommendation of 
RAID1 is not about backup but about reliability and performance (as I 
said when I made the recommendation).

Backup is a rather complex issue, and one that is still pretty hard 
to navigate (though I must say that Windows 7 finally makes it rather 
easy to do it properly, though you always need more than one backup 
strategy), mostly because people don't understand that you need 
multiple levels of redundant backup in order to be relatively safe.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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