On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Eric Dannewitz <ericd...@jazz-sax.com> wrote:
> Sent from my iSomething
> On May 23, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Kim Patrick Clow <telem...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Right, so Apple's limited warranty isn't any better than a standard
>> PC, and like them-- you can buy an extended warranty. But that's swell
>> of Apple to offer limited warranties on their products. And the point
>> for many people is bang for their buck and dollars when it comes to
>> laptops or computers: you get can buy  faster motherboards at a
>> cheaper price with a platform that's not nearly as restrictive as what
>> will be with Apple's Lion OS that's being touted: it even more
>> restrictive with less choices available.

> Apple is consistently rated like #1 in its products and stores

So your point about Apple's limited warranty and offering extended
coverage isn't any better than PC has no bearing on anything? Ok,
great. Moving on.
And there are plenty of Consumer Reports "Recommended Buys" for PC
etc, and cheaper.
As for their products, do you want to throw in the Android format
versus the iPhone and the numerous issues with its phones (Consumer
Reports can fill you in on that).

> You do know that windows generally needs to be reinstalled if you
> switch hardware.

So what? A lot of the software is pre-installed anyway, and that's not
a factor in buying an Apple product? I've known Apple users that had
to reinstall applications after a major Apple upgrade. If we limit
this to just installing Finale,
I mentioned earlier many on the list appear to install upgrades or
fixes anyways. *Shrug*

> And what fantasy world did you pull this BS about lion being more
> restrictive? I think 10.7 (Lion) will work across all mac nade within
> the last 4 years

You missed my point: Apple is going to a more restrictive model for
what software it will offer to sell on its Apps store: that means even
less software will be available in the future.
I live in the fantasy world where I can buy a computer that's cheaper,
runs more software and doesn't box me in.


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