As always the people on this list are incredibly generous with advice and

One thing I should have mentioned is that both the client and myself are on
latest model Macs, windows solutions are not possible, alas.

Mostly I am baffled that the client has given me so many files t hat have
opened without a whimper.  All Encore files ere created with the same
(ugh.. but that's another story) Encore software, saved as a standard MIDI
file, and all but this one opened without a whimper.

I think my only solution is to enter the thing myself, which I don't mind,
but for some reason the client resists.  He wants the tempo and dynamic
data (which is irrelevant, since th Finale files are for print and then
performance by humans) but for some reason he feels is important.

It may, however, be the only reasonable solution, given that I have already
spent far too much time trying to browbeat his original MIDI file, and the
one he re-did,  into submission.

Several people have offered to work on it themselves.  That's amazing, but
I think I'll just notate from hard copy.

Many, many thanks!

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