On 2/11/2012 1:02 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> I agree emphatically with everything Chris says here. Unless the notes are 
> all seriously elongated, and detached (the player breathes between each 
> note), a fermata on each note seems like overkill.

Yes, I agree.

> And if the notes are meant to be connected, played as a single melodic 
> phrase, conducting each note also seems like overkill -- or as Chris said, 
> control freak territory.

Not when you're accompanying dance.

> Aaron, I know you are for some reason somewhat attached to this "wide 
> fermatta" idea, but if the responses on this list are any indication, hardly 
> anyone likes it or thinks it's a good solution.

I can appreciate that. I haven't changed my mind, though.

> Or you could just cuing the moving part in all the resting parts, which is 
> probably the most unambiguous option.

Yes, that's a very good idea, and something I thought about earlier 
today. It would make things clearer, although I'm not sure it's needed.

I do find this a very interesting discussion, but I'd also like to point 
out that my original question was just how to accomplish this in FInale, 
not what the best notation would be. <g>

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