I've never used the numeric keypad for metatools, but I don't think that is the 
issue. I have had metatools stop working in the way you describe on a few 
occasions. I have taken it as evidence of flaky behaviour before a crash, and 
rebooted the computer. That cleared it up. It is not an ongoing issue for me, 

I am on a 2 X 2 GHz duo-core Intel Xeon, OS 10.6.8 like you.


On Fri Jul 13, at FridayJul 13 5:28 PM, J D Thomas wrote:

> Here's one for the weird and unexplainable.  Even tech support at MM has no 
> answer, so I throw it up for the edification and advice of the collective 
> knowledge here.
> I've had an ongoing problem with Finale for quite some time.  It happens in 
> Finale 2007, 2011, and 2012.  I'm on a Mac 10.6.8 (but I also had it on 
> 10.5.8 Leopard as well).  MacPro 2 x 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon.
> I am a keyboard fanatic; I really don't like using the mouse unless there is 
> no other way.  So I have always made copious use of the built-in metatools in 
> Finale, ever since version 2.0 back in the dark ages.  I also have used 
> keyboard macro programs but this issue is solely within Finale and involves 
> only their metatools.
> I will be editing a file and everything will be fine.  I use the numeric 
> keypad to execute metatools and I have a system I've developed for every tool 
> and every file I work in so that it is easy to remember file to file.
> What happens is that all of a sudden Finale stops recognizing the numeric 
> keypad for metatools.  I hold down a number, click, and whatever tool I'm in, 
> up comes the usual dialog box as if I just double-clicked.  The numbers along 
> the QWERTY will work however--sometimes.  I have had numerous experiences 
> lately where Finale will get stubborn and NONE of the keys work, including 
> ones I've programmed for letter keys.  In fact, if I click in the score with 
> any tool, Finale will steadfastly place the last entered element I used for 
> that tool.  This happens with Articulations, Clefs, Expressions, you name it. 
>  Every tool that utilizes metatools.
> Quitting and relaunching the program never helps.  Logging out and back in 
> works sometimes.  Restarting seems to work all or most of the time.  But the 
> issue keep recurring at some point, even after a restart.  And it's pissing 
> me off!
> It's not the keyboard because I've had the same problem with 4 different 
> ones, wired and wireless.
> Doug at tech support finally threw in the towel stating they'd heard nothing 
> along these lines from any other user and he tried everything he could think 
> of to no avail.
> I then considered that it just might be a user account issue, since I've use 
> the same user account for the past 3-4 years or so, and it's the same MacPro. 
>  So I set up a new, virgin user account, started editing away in Finale 2012, 
> and bang, this morning it happened again! Just like all the other times.
> If anyone has any suggestions, advice, I'm all ears.  The new user account 
> was my last stab.
> I am at a loss.
> J D Thomas
> ThomaStudios
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