Hello JD,

This is a well known issue and MM has heard of this. I've had discussions with 
them about this and I know other publisher heads-of-households who have had 
recent discussions with them about this. Frankly, this has been going on for 
many versions since we moved to OSX and y unfortunately MM has had many other 
pressing things to deal with other than to fix an issue that is not easily 
traceable uisng consistent methods. The problem is that metatools are sticking 
on the MAC. The most common reaction is that it's a user problem either 
hardware or user error. After a bit of time though the user realizes that it is 
Finale. Until we can really pin-point where this is coming from it is really 
difficult for MM to track this down and find a solution. I've been trying for 
many years to find the cause because it breaks my workflow all the time.

Please keep us all informed if you are able to "make" this happen. I would love 
to tackle this huge bug.

From: finale-boun...@shsu.edu [finale-boun...@shsu.edu] On Behalf Of J D Thomas 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:28 PM
To: finale@shsu.edu
Subject: [Finale] Finale and an ongoing problem

Here's one for the weird and unexplainable.  Even tech support at MM has no 
answer, so I throw it up for the edification and advice of the collective 
knowledge here.

I've had an ongoing problem with Finale for quite some time.  It happens in 
Finale 2007, 2011, and 2012.  I'm on a Mac 10.6.8 (but I also had it on 10.5.8 
Leopard as well).  MacPro 2 x 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon.

I am a keyboard fanatic; I really don't like using the mouse unless there is no 
other way.  So I have always made copious use of the built-in metatools in 
Finale, ever since version 2.0 back in the dark ages.  I also have used 
keyboard macro programs but this issue is solely within Finale and involves 
only their metatools.

I will be editing a file and everything will be fine.  I use the numeric keypad 
to execute metatools and I have a system I've developed for every tool and 
every file I work in so that it is easy to remember file to file.

What happens is that all of a sudden Finale stops recognizing the numeric 
keypad for metatools.  I hold down a number, click, and whatever tool I'm in, 
up comes the usual dialog box as if I just double-clicked.  The numbers along 
the QWERTY will work however--sometimes.  I have had numerous experiences 
lately where Finale will get stubborn and NONE of the keys work, including ones 
I've programmed for letter keys.  In fact, if I click in the score with any 
tool, Finale will steadfastly place the last entered element I used for that 
tool.  This happens with Articulations, Clefs, Expressions, you name it.  Every 
tool that utilizes metatools.

Quitting and relaunching the program never helps.  Logging out and back in 
works sometimes.  Restarting seems to work all or most of the time.  But the 
issue keep recurring at some point, even after a restart.  And it's pissing me 

It's not the keyboard because I've had the same problem with 4 different ones, 
wired and wireless.

Doug at tech support finally threw in the towel stating they'd heard nothing 
along these lines from any other user and he tried everything he could think of 
to no avail.

I then considered that it just might be a user account issue, since I've use 
the same user account for the past 3-4 years or so, and it's the same MacPro.  
So I set up a new, virgin user account, started editing away in Finale 2012, 
and bang, this morning it happened again! Just like all the other times.

If anyone has any suggestions, advice, I'm all ears.  The new user account was 
my last stab.

I am at a loss.

J D Thomas

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