On 7/13/2012 10:46 PM, Fiskum, Steve wrote:
> Hello JD,
> This is a well known issue and MM has heard of this. I've had
> discussions with them about this and I know other publisher
> heads-of-households who have had recent discussions with them about
> this. Frankly, this has been going on for many versions since we
> moved to OSX and y unfortunately MM has had many other pressing
> things to deal with other than to fix an issue that is not easily
> traceable uisng consistent methods. The problem is that metatools are
> sticking on the MAC. The most common reaction is that it's a user
> problem either hardware or user error. After a bit of time though the
> user realizes that it is Finale. Until we can really pin-point where
> this is coming from it is really difficult for MM to track this down
> and find a solution. I've been trying for many years to find the
> cause because it breaks my workflow all the time.
> Please keep us all informed if you are able to "make" this happen. I
> would love to tackle this huge bug.

Since this appears to be a Mac/OSX/Finale thing, has anybody contacted 
Apple to see if there might be some other applications which musicians 
don't ordinarily use which are encountering the same problem?  Or 
perhaps Apple tech support can better troubleshoot the problem since 
their tech support department is much larger than Finale's and is much 
more conversant in the deep inner workings of OSX.

Since there are a number of Finale users who are working on Macs, it 
might be worthwhile to try to pull another tech support team into the 

David H. Bailey

Finale mailing list

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