At 10:22 PM -0400 7/20/12, Craig Parmerlee wrote:
>  >
>Thank you for those comments.  I'm not sure that MakeMusic and their
>investors are at a point that they would seek input from the user
>community, as they have weighty issues on their plate,

Wait, you mean that producing a product that 
satisfies its target market and increases sales 
through quality rather than hype isn't a weighty 
issue?!!!!!  I guess that's why I'm a musician 
and not a venture capitalist!!

>I guess what I'm getting at is if I were a venture capital investor
>(speaking hypothetically)  prepared to spend $10M to move the company
>forward, what are the features that would make the most difference?

OK, I know that my attitude does not sit well 
with the kind of power users who think nothing of 
sitting down and writing code, so don't bother 
flaming me.  You won't change my mind and I won't 
change yours!  I use my computer.  I don't 
pretend to understand it.  My IT-savvy son-in-law 
doesn't understand how I write music, either.

But as I've read elsewhere (possibly in the 
thought-provoking editorials in Analog), a truly 
elegant product is instantly usable right out of 
the box, requires no learning curve, requires no 
memorization of arcane commands or endless menu 
choices. and operates, oh, let's say something 
like years of cutting-edge research and very 
practical business decisions made the idiot-proof 
operation of the good, old-fashioned land-line 
telephone system developed by Ma Bell.  (One of 
which I still own and use, because when we lost 
power for 6 nights and 6 days the phone still 
worked just fine; it does just one thing, and it 
does it very well and transparently.  My students 
and my kids use phones that make coffee and 
change the baby, but I couldn't even figure out 
how to turn one of them on.  My land-line phone 
is ALWAYS on and always works!!!)

Automobiles also work well and sell well because 
they've been made close to idiot-proof, although 
if car companies keep adding electronic features 
just because they CAN, they'll start losing sales 
to non-tech-heads as well.  It should not be 
necessary to understand HOW something works in 
order to use it.  That's the mark of a truly 
elegant and mature technology.


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
School of Performing Arts & Cinema
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
290 College Ave., Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"Machen Sie es, wie Sie wollen, machen Sie es nur schön."
(Do it as you like, just make it beautiful!)  --Johannes Brahms

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