Eric, the worst question to ask someone (if you are providing tech support
or if you are developing software) is any variant of, "Why would you want
to do that?" It drives users ballistic. A much better question (that
usually gets to the same answer) is, "Can you explain to me what you are
trying to do?" Which I think Darcy has done a pretty good job of doing.

But be that as it may, my view is that it is not up to software developers
to decide what users should or should not be able to do, within the
technical constraints of the design. That Makemusic had a perfectly good
mechanism for accomplishing what Darcy is trying to do and capriciously
removed it without any technical reason is imho willful negligence. (And it
is obvious there was no technical constraint, because Finale can still do
it if you find a UI that hasn't been crippled, like TGTools.)

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Eric Fiedler <>wrote:

> Are we talking here about a number of movements grouped together in one
> large file? Then I could understand possibly wanting new score-orders for
> each movement — and it wouldn't be too difficult using a lot of
> disappearing blank staves, as I think has already been suggested on this
> thread. But to turn the page and suddenly be confronted with a new
> score-order would be very confusing to most conductors I know. But then,
> I'm more at home with the old stuff, say up to late Stravinsky ...
> Darcy: if you just wanted _one page_ with a new score-order in the middle
> of a longer movement, why not just print the pages up to the page in
> question, then use Score Manager to rearrange the score, print just the one
> page, restore the old order and print the rest? (You might have to
> rearrange the music a little to make it fit.)
> Eric
> ************************************************
> Habsburger Verlag Frankfurt (Dr. Fiedler)
> ************************************************
> On 29.08.2012, at 19:48, Robert Patterson wrote:
> > There are any number of reasons why you might want to change the score
> > order on different systems. The main one I can think of is if in a
> > particular section or movement there is a subgroup that plays a
> concertino
> > part.
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