At 7:09 PM +0000 11/1/12, Lawrence Yates wrote:
>Here in the UK, most photocopiers work on A4 or A3.  We always believed
>that publishers used the unusual (to us) sizes so that the music couldn't
>be easily copied.

Interesting theory.  I've always assumed that 
this was a size produced by folding and refolding 
large sheets of paper in a standard European size 
that may have gone back to Shakespeare or even 
before, which gave us folio, quarto, and octavo 
sizes (the latter still very popular for choral 
music and very unusual for any other use at all!).

But copying technology, while it is widespread 
and unavoidable today, is a rather recent 
technology.  Back when I was in high school 
(early '50s) the only choices for copying were 
purple ditto and that other common office 
machine, the name of which escapes me at the 
moment, both of which required typing up masters 
on special paper because they were not 
PHOTO-copiers and the special paper had the "ink" 
that was transferred to the copies.  (And 
photostats, of course, which were pictures of 
pages on film.)  Around 1950 3M came out with a 
copier that made HORRIBLE copies, would only take 
single sheets and not pages in books, used a 
special very thin, floppy paper that was awful 
for music and faded over time, and used a liquid 
developer.  We have indeed come a long way since 
THOSE days!

And of course music publishers have been around 
since 1501, using whatever paper sizes were 
common at the time.

Most of the modern copiers here in the U.S. can 
be set for A4 or A3 paper, but we simply can't 
readily buy paper in that size (just as you 
probably can't easily buy paper in U.S. sizes). 
Which becomes a problem when one of our foreign 
students submits an assignment formatted for A4 
and our copier sits there and waits for us to 
feed it some A4!!!


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
School of Performing Arts & Cinema
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
290 College Ave., Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"Machen Sie es, wie Sie wollen, machen Sie es nur schön."
(Do it as you like, just make it beautiful!)  --Johannes Brahms

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