My workflow (Mac) is to use Booklet Creator. I could swear I got it for free, 
but that was many years ago. It seems it is now $9.99 in the app store.

My first step is to make a pdf file of the Finale file. I work, as much as I 
can, in 9x12. I keep this as a my reference file. I like storing pdf because my 
publisher wants my music this way (in non-booklet form), and because nothing in 
the score is subject to upgrades and feature adds (things that, over the past 
25 years, orphaned some of my older music).

Booklet Creator puts itself into the print dialog's pdf drop down menu. So I 
open my 9x12 pdf score in Preview, make sure I've selected Paper Size 9x12 and 
Fill entire paper, then, in the pdf drop down menu, choose Create Booklet. My 
booklet is made in about 2 seconds. I print (to my HP5000) with this workflow:
Paper size is 12x18
Fill entire paper is selected.
Paper Handling is set to "odd only" (then, for the second pass, "even only." 
The paper goes straight through to the back exit in the printer, so it is ready 
to flip without any reordering. After the second pass, it is ready to staple.

The whole thing is very fast. I need to get up once to flip all the pages. When 
I quit, the booklet goes away unless I choose to save it.

The issues: One needs to do a fair amount of back-and-forth folding to get this 
to stay open. I usually forward fold the whole book, then bend it completely 
backwards at every page. For more than 12 pages (three sheets of paper), the 
edge sticks out in a pronounced way. You need a really good paper trimmer to 
straighten that out.

Even still, this is the method of printing with which I am happiest.

David Froom

On 28 Aug 2015, at 1:00 PM, Darcy James Argue <> wrote:

>> From: Darcy James Argue <>
>> Subject: [Finale] 12x18 booklet printing workflow
>> Date: August 26, 2015 at 10:05:40 PM PDT
>> To: <>
>> Hi all,
>> So after a year and a half of owning a Ricoh AP6330N, I have ? somewhat 
>> sheepishly ? just today discovered it can actually handle 12"x18" paper. (I 
>> had until now just assumed that it had the same size limitations as its 
>> predecessor, the Ricoh AP2610, which maxed out at 11"x17". In retrospect 
>> this was really, really dumb.)
>> Obviously that is a bit of a game changer for me! I have previously been 
>> printing on individual 9"x12" sheets and taping them using the VPC machine. 
>> This is no longer necessary (or remotely desirable) now that I know I can 
>> print directly to 12"x18".
>> I'm curious what people's workflow is to create booklet parts on a Mac ? 
>> presumably it's best print to PDF first, then use booklet software to 
>> assemble the 12x18 signatures? Are there apps that people would recommend 
>> for this purpose? I have Bookbinder's Collator, but it's not the most 
>> intelligent piece of software I've ever used.
>> Cheers,
>> - DJA
>> -----
>> WEB:

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