On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 05:12 AM, jeff whitaker wrote:

Ben: Look at the archives - I wasn't just agreeing with myself. Jeez, I
never thought I'd get so much grief for expressing an opinion. Anyway,
since I'm clearly in the minority here's what I propose to do.

Nevermind me, i just like to argue.

1) create a unified xfree86 package which installs both the libs and the
rootles server (i.e. everything).

2) create little pseudo packages for xfree86-base(-shlibs) and
xfree86-rootless(-shlibs) that do nothing but Depend on xfree86-(shlibs).
This will provide an upgrade path if you already have a fink xfree86
package installed.

I have no idea whether this will work - we'll see. Comments?

There is another option, we could leave the packages as is, implement "reccomends" support in fink, and have xfree86-base reccomend rootless. Newbies would (hopefully :) choose the default. It would look like:

Package xfree86-base reccomends these additional packages:
Install them now? (Y/n)

However this doesn't help apt-get and such, which don't prompt you for reccomends (dselect sort-of does, but the GUI is so horribly bad, newbies might not even notice :)

So on second thought i think we should go to the one package method.

We probably should just wait till 4.3 to do it, at which time we can also get rid of the -threaded packages, since 4.3 is threaded already.


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