On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 02:53, Martin Costabel wrote:
> The author of TeXmacs had less problems than me, because on the machine 
> where he tried this procedure, Gerben Wierda's tetex was installed, so 
> he could use the system-tetex package and managed to use the bindist for 
> texmacs, after all. He was not too happy, though, because he tried to 
> follow the instructions from the Fink web page and had all the usual 
> problems with this, like ~/.cshrc not taken into account because of 
> existing ~/.tcshrc. On the Fink download page, this is still not fixed.
This has been mentioned to me by various other users.  I've been meaning
to add a section to the Users Guide page to mention this issue, and it
_is_ in the FAQ.

The problem is that there are several parallel sets of instructions out
there, rather than a centralized one.  It would involve a fair amount of
effort to go through every page which refers to "source .cshrc" and add
.tcshrc-specific instructions to it. 

> Then there is dselect which is still recommended on the download page. I 
> think no innocent newbie should be asked to use dselect, the shock might 
> be too strong. Actually I wonder how many potential Fink users give up 
> at this point to be never seen again. Mentioning FinkCommander here 
> would be better.
I agree with the notion of recommending FinkCommander.  It's much more

> We made a web page http://www.texmacs.org/Download/Fink.html with 
> instructions to install TeXmacs via Fink, but right now the part about 
> installing from the bindist only works if tetex is installed from 
> outside of Fink.
Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
visiting MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Levitated Dipole Experiment
175 Albany Street, NW17-219
Cambridge, MA  02139-4213

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