So I've started tearing into the fink module sources.

This start out with little optimization attempts to make fink list run a
little faster.

While doing that I got my hands dirty with the fink module sources and
also wrote some ad hoc tests for the functions I was touching to make sure
I didn't break anything while optimizing.

After that I decided to dig into documenting, testing and cleanup up the
code wholesale.  The first step was to package up the basic Perl testing

And then pick a basic module and test it.  Fink::Config seemed a good place
to start.

And now that I've tested it and know how it works, I can document it and
cleanup some of the messiest bits.

I'd like to keep going, but there's been no motion on any of the above.
So... are you folks interested in testing and documenting Fink::*?  Would
you like me to continue?

On a related note: how important is backwards compatibility?  Some of the
Fink::* function interfaces are a bit wonky and could do with some fixing.
For example, the tendency for classes to export functions.  Lots of exported 
global variables where class methods should be used.  Exported global 
variables not being distinguished from local variables with $Uppercase.
Inconsistent method names (new_with_* vs new_from_*).  All basic stuff.

Are you worried someone other than fink is using this code and do you care?
Can I go ahead and supply patches that will improve and change the module 

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1. It Has To Work.
    -- RFC 1925

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