Okay, I'm now parsing the Type field for the version of perl. The code
is extensible to other versionable languages (python, etc.). A bit of
syntax change to Type: would probably a allow upgrading to handle
multiple language keys (or other variants) in a logical AND meaning by
putting them all in a hash instad of a simple scalar. For now I'm not
working on that mess nor thought about Peter's complementary idea of
(if I understand it) having .info be a template that generates many
packages using each key in turn. Either of these directions would
probably have to wait until Depends can support boolean and/or
conditional logic.

So...what percent expansion keys should I use? I need one for the
language version string as written (5.8.1 for perl, 2.3 for python,
etc.) and one for the condensed way package names are written (581,
23, etc.). I'm currently using %lV and %lv for the raw and cooked

I haven't yet implemented this %substutution in the main Package: of
an .info file (but yes for SplitOff:Package:). Doing so will take some
work for the validator code where it compares Package with .info


Daniel Macks

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