On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 08:11:51AM -0500, David R. Morrison wrote:
> Dan,
> When I expanded "Type: perl" to allow "Type: perl 5.x.y" back in June, 
> I stuck the version number into the same field because I was getting
> flack about unnecessarily increasing the number of fields.  However,
> in wedging it in there I did some less-than-pretty things to the code!
> One thing which is not completely obvious is that the 5.x.y in
> "Type: perl 5.x.y" affects the behavior of the UpdatePOD declaration,
> which does different things for "Type: perl" and "Type: perl 5.x.y".

I maintained that functionality as-is. I didn't (yet) add any magic to
other types (python should probably default to a special default
CompileScript and InstallScript) but I maintained perl's magic as-is.
If/when we go to a better/fuller-featured variants, type magic could
be pulled from that presumably-new field (perhaps via % substitution
into Type or somesuch).

Anyway, pop by the type_langvers branch to see how I'm going about it.


Daniel Macks

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