On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 01:54:32PM -0800, Trevor Harmon wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2005, at 9:41 AM, Alexander Strange wrote:
> >
> >The appropriate thing to do would be to make all the seperate packages 
> >Provide wxwidgets, and then Conflict/Replace each other if necessary.

Having them all Provide a common "placeholder" package only works if
they really are drop-in replacements for each other, for example,
identical headers, and .dylib links to identically-named and
binary-compatible runtime .dylib files. Is that the case here?

> Okay, makes sense. Currently the wxmac/wxgtk packages Conflict/Replace 
> each other, but they don't Provide anything. As a test, I modified the 
> wxmac package so that it Provides wxwidgets, rebuilt it, and indeed a 
> wxwidgets "virtual package" showed up in Fink Commander. Interestingly, 
> however, Fink Commander reported the version of this package as 
>, even though the providing package (wxmac) was 2.5.3. Somehow 
> the virtual wxwidgets package inherited the version from wxgtk instead, 
> even though I never touched it and it doesn't Provide anything. Anybody 
> know why?


> All this makes me wonder... How would Fink resolve dependencies in a 
> situation where none of the wx* packages is installed, and then the 
> user requests installation of a package depending on wxwidgets? How 
> would it know whether to install wxgtk or wxmac, assuming both of them 
> Provide wxwidgets?

It asks.

> Also, there is a warning notice in Fink's docs about the Provides 
> field. Apparently it is dangerous because Depends ignores version 
> information in a package with the Provides field. Does this mean we 
> should find another workaround for this problem?

Bingo. "Provides" packages are neither versioned by default nor
explicitly versionable. This is a limitation of the Debian toolchain.


Daniel Macks

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