On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 04:19:13AM +0100, Mich?le Garoche wrote:
> I noticed yesterday the following behaviour, new for me, when using 
> fink rebuild foo or fink update-all with those settings in fink.conf:
> Verbose: 3
> ConfFileCompatVersion: 1
> Note: when running fink configure, at some point I'm asked for choosing 
> a verbosity level from 1 to 4, but when choosing 4, 3 is activated.

That is the way fink has been for a very long time: selection choices
are always numbered 1...N, regardless of what one is selecting. It's
just a coincidence that in this case what one is selecting is
translated into a value 0...M, meaning the selection sets a value "one
less" in fink.conf.

> 1 - With normal mode and fink update-all
> I have no more information of what happens when curl is working, e.g. 
> download speed and percentage of download.
> Is it the desired behaviour or do I miss something?
> Would not it be better to have this information so that one knows is 
> curl is really working or not, if the speed is very slow or not, etc.. 
> so that one can take the appropriate decision (cancel, etc...)?

What is the Verbosity setting (in fink.conf) when you obvserve this?
Does passing fink the -v flag affect it?

> 2 - With maintainer mode and fink rebuild foo
> Once the package is built and installed, running fink validate on the 
> deb leads to a file not found error, though the path is right and the 
> deb exists.
> Is this normal? i.e.: should I first build with  maintainer mode to be 
> sure to get all warnings, then with normal mode to get a recognized 
> deb?

That sounds very bad. When you say "running fink validate on the deb",
do you mean the symlink in /sw/fink/debs or the actual file in


Daniel Macks

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