Le 3 mars 2005, à 7:09, Michèle Garoche a écrit :

Le 3 mars 2005, à 5:53, Daniel Macks a écrit :

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 04:19:13AM +0100, Mich?le Garoche wrote:
1 - With normal mode and fink update-all

I have no more information of what happens when curl is working, e.g.
download speed and percentage of download.
Is it the desired behaviour or do I miss something?
Would not it be better to have this information so that one knows is
curl is really working or not, if the speed is very slow or not, etc..
so that one can take the appropriate decision (cancel, etc...)?

What is the Verbosity setting (in fink.conf) when you obvserve this?
As I said above: Verbose: 3

Does passing fink the -v flag affect it?
I should update right now, hoping that something is to update, and then I can tell you if the -v flag changes something.
I used:
fink -v update-all

Is this right? It does not seem to change anything. Tested with dia after removing the source in /sw to be sure curl is called. What it does is rebuild dia, install it and then try to execute each line in fink.conf as shell lines:
[~]% Verbose: 3
zsh: command not found: Verbose:
[127][17] Jeudi 03/03/2005 07:58:13 CET +0100
[~]% SelfUpdateMethod: cvs
zsh: command not found: SelfUpdateMethod:
etc., etc.

Maybe I need another flag in fink.conf or on the command line or the order in wrong, something like fink update-all -v, or maybe fink update-all does not support -v option?


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