Hello everyone,

about two months ago I was in a discussion with Daniel E. Macks
and Martin Costabel, the conclusion being that it might be
a good idea to try and integrate a newer version of mutt in fink.
Since then I have successfully compiled the most recent release.
I have contacted the maintainer about this problem, and got no

So I am willing to try and make a package myself, but I think that
it might not be such a good idea for the following reasons:
 - the functionality that I wanted in this newer version (caching
   headers of messages when accessing an IMAP mailbox for a quicker
   access to the mailbox) seems not to work anymore for me, and I
   think I saw some weird behaviors of the sort message function
   (but I have not been able to reproduce those so it might have
   been my imagination).
 - I'm basically incompetent. So, while I am willing to learn,
   and think I might be able to produce a satisfying package, I
   am afraid I will not be able to help anyone having problems 
   with it, so that it might wind up to be more work for the rest
   of you.

So, what is your advice? Should I try to do it or not?
I think the first point is not that important, since there are
probably tons of other new functionalities that work very well,
but I'm more concerned with the second.

If you do think I should try, I have another question: the version
I use is patched so that it does header caching for IMAP mailbox.
What should I do about this? Integrate the patch in the package,
or not integrate it, or make two versions, one with and one without
the patch? (with ssl and non-ssl versions of each...).

Best regards,

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