Jack Howarth wrote:
> Jeff,
>    The new lammpi and openmpi packages that I maintain now use gcc4
> I also see that raster3d, pdftk, apbs, apbs-mpi, ccp4-onlylibs-dev,
> ccp4, mosflm, mosflm-small, plplot, maloc, maloc-mpi, pdb2pqr and 
> tinker use gcc4 as well. Most of those are probably packages that
> are maintained by William Scott so I doubt we will have much trouble
> getting those bumped in a timely fashion.
>    It unfortunate we have to go through this but I would much rather
> see packages depend on gfortran than g95. The development model for
> g95 is just plain weird. A single developer without a cvs and no
> testsuite. The gfortran compiler has already outstripped g95 in
> performance and the depth of their testsuite provides a hedge against
> accidental regressions (not present with g95 snapshots).
>         Jack
> ps You can see from...
> http://www.polyhedron.com/pb05/linux/f90bench_p4.html
> http://www.polyhedron.com/pb05/linux/f90bench_AMD.html
> ...that while not as fast as some of the commercial compilers,
> gfortran is significantly faster than g95.

Jack:  I'm aware of the g95/gfortran history, and I know gfortran is 
faster.  However, I've found (both in my own code and for the fink 
packages I maintain) that despite it's weird development model, g95 
produces more reliable code and supports more fortran95 (and fortran77) 
standard features and extensions.  It also supported intel macs well 
before gfortran did. 

I'll stick to g95 at least until gcc 4.2 is released.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web    : http://tinyurl.com/5telg

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