On 12/30/06, Robert T Wyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to build a fink package from the kodos project at
> SourceForge. I'm sure I've already made some mistakes in the info file,
> but it validates. However I get ye Olde make error:
> make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
> ### execution of make failed, exit code 2
> This is not the freetype error in the FAQ; I'm still reading other
> docs.... Here's the entire kodos.info file to this point.
> Package: kodos
> Version: 2.4.9
> Revision: 1
> Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz
> License: GPL
> Maintainer: Robert Wyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> HomePage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kodos/
> Description: Visual regular expression editor and debugger
> Source-MD5: d608c8b3484667d3a82ba6dfe29bb18d
> CompileScript: make
> InstallScript: <<
> #! /bin/sh -ev
> make install prefix=%i
> <<
> Depends: sip, pyqt-bin, python
> BuildDepends: python, pyqt-bin
> DescPackaging: Author: Phil Shwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is it better to put this kind of thing on the tracker for help?
> Thanks,
> Robert
I'd recommend holding off on putting it on the tracker until it
actually at least builds on -your- system. :-)  My preference for the
tracker is for packages to build successfully under "fink -m
--build-as-nobody (re)build", because that reduces the iterations on

I'd guess (without having tried it myself) that your problem is that
it needs to run a configure script to generate Makefiles and the like,
and in specifying a CompileScript you've overloaded the default
behavior, which is

./configure %c

(cf. http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/packaging/reference.php?phpLang=en#fields
, under the CompileScript heading).  Try taking out your

Also, once it builds, if the package encodes python version
information in itself in any way, you're going to have to make this a
versioned package (-py23 and -py24 variants) and depend on the
appropriate flavor of py-qt.
Alexander K. Hansen
Fink Documenter (still)

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