Alexander Hansen wrote:
> I'd recommend holding off on putting it on the tracker until it
> actually at least builds on -your- system. :-)  My preference for the
> tracker is for packages to build successfully under "fink -m
> --build-as-nobody (re)build", because that reduces the iterations on
> them.

Good, that was my thinking.

> I'd guess (without having tried it myself) that your problem is that
> it needs to run a configure script to generate Makefiles and the like,
> and in specifying a CompileScript you've overloaded the default
> behavior, which is
> ./configure %c
> make
> (cf.
> , under the CompileScript heading). Try taking out your 
> CompileScript.

I only put it in because I was at step 2.2 of the quick start tutorial, 
trying to just build it, and I got this error:

Can't exec "./configure": No such file or directory at 
/sw/lib/perl5/Fink/ line 584, <DATA> line 1. [see below]

Admittedly, it's not identical to the error in the tutorial, but I tried 
the remedy anyway. Perhaps it's the wrong solution here.

> Also, once it builds, if the package encodes python version
> information in itself in any way, you're going to have to make this a
> versioned package (-py23 and -py24 variants) and depend on the
> appropriate flavor of py-qt.

Okay, I reckon I'll work on that if I can get it to build. :-)

line 584 from is this one: system(@wrap, $cmd); from here:

# Execute each line as a separate command.
foreach my $cmd (split(/\n/,$script)) {
         print "$wrap_token$cmd\n" unless $options{'quiet'};
         system(@wrap, $cmd);
         $? >>= 8 if defined $? and $? >= 256;
         if ($?) {
                 my $rc = $?;
                 if (not $options{'quiet'}) {
                         my ($commandname) = split(/\s+/, $cmd);
                         print "### execution of $commandname failed, 
exit code $rc\n";
                 if (defined $options{'delete_tempfile'} and 
$options{'delete_tempfile'} == 1) {
                         # probably keep tempfile around (to aide debugging)
                         unlink($script) if $is_tempfile;
                 return $rc;  # something went boom; give up now


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