Paul Mitchum wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:46:31 +0200
>> From: Sven Schwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Hi folks
>> I'm very new to Fink and need GraphicsMagick to work with TYPO3 on a
>> Mac. I've therefore converted the installation guide into an .info
>> for Fink. However, it's surely far from perfect I guess, so hints on
>> how to improve it are very much apprechiated, particularly: [..]
> I got a useful build this way, though it's far from optimal. I kept  
> notes in DescPackaging. I got started on a -lib -bin splitoff  
> version, but never finished, and that info file's not worth passing  
> on. Presented for forensic purposes. :-)
> HTH.
> Package: graphicsmagick
> Version: 1.1.7
> Revision: 1
> Architecture: powerpc, i386
The above is the same as not having any Architecture field. Until Apple 
puts out another arch, anyway.  :-)
> Maintainer: Paul Mitchum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> HomePage:
> License: GPL
> Description: Graphics conversion and composite utility
> Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/GraphicsMagick-%v.tar.gz
> Source-MD5: 9dec2209500b44c617a789b4072ed724
> DescDetail: <<
>     GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing.
>     It provides a robust collection of tools and libraries which
>     support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over
>     88 major formats.
>     GraphicsMagick is feature-compatible with ImageMagick, but can
>     be installed alongside it.
> <<
> DescPackaging: <<
> This package builds GM as a stand-alone, no libraries, no-plugins, no
> Magick++ binary. This is just to simplify things, and, frankly, because
> I don't know how to do it otherwise (yet).
> GraphicsMagick wants a lot of dependencies. Some are available under  
> fink,
> and, some aren't, but it will build just fine without the ones that  
> don't
> exist yet.
> Capabilities which are missing because of lack of fink projects:
> GCM (needs ralcgm package, unmaintained in fink),
> camera RAW files (needs dcraw package),
> rasterized HTML pages (html2ps package),
> JBIG (jbig-kit package),
> DICOM (unmodified libjpeg),
> Radiance (ra_ppm utility),
> RLE (Utah Raster Toolkit),
> scanner support will be dicey at best (scanimage utility),
> FlashPIX (libfpx package),
> and PNG and MIFF, which don't work because there's no zlib. This
> is a priority.
> Support for the more secure TRIO package is pending.
> PerlMagick support is missing in this revision. My kung fu is no good.
> <<
> Depends: lcms-shlibs, freetype219-shlibs, ghostscript, hp2xx,  
> gnuplot, libjasper1-shlibs, mpeg2vidcodec, libwmf-shlibs, libxml2- 
> shlibs, transfig
> # ConfigureParams only sets path stuff not likely to change with  
> revision.
> # Feature options set in CompileScript.
> # some of the config files are stored in weird places by GM. these  
> paths are
> # difficult to re-engineer, but it will happen. :-)
> ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --datadir=%p/share/doc/%n
> CompileScript: <<
> #! /bin/sh -ev
> ./configure %c --with-png=no --without-perl --disable-static -- 
> without-magick-plus-plus
> make
> # make check
> <<
> InstallScript: <<
> #! /bin/sh -ev
> DESTDIR=%i make install
> <<
> RuntimeVars: <<
>    MAGICK_CONFIGURE_PATH: %p/share/doc/%n/GraphicsMagick-1.1.7/config: 
> %p/lib/GraphicsMagick-1.1.7/config/
> <<
> DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog Copyright.txt NEWS PLATFORMS.txt  
> README.txt TODO.txt
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