Dr. Wolfram Schroers wrote:
> Error message from "sudo apt-get remove sbcl":
> /sw/bin/dpkg: error processing sbcl (--remove):
>  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
>  reinstall it before attempting a removal.

In such a situation, I found that the only solution is to manually erase 
the package from dpkg's memory:

1. Go to the directory /sw/var/lib/dpkg

2. Then copy the file "status" to "status.bak" to have a backup copy if 
anything goes wrong. There is already a backup copy called "status-old" 
which may be a little older.

3. Then edit "status" using a text editor that does not destroy text 
files (vi or pico etc., not emacs or TextEdit). The file contains little 
paragraphs for each package. Go to the paragraph starting with the line

Package: sbcl

and erase it (the whole paragraph, around 23 lines).

Repeat this for any other paragraph that has a "Package:" line with 
"sbcl" in it. Do not touch paragraphs that have "sbcl" in some other 
line. Save the edited file "status".

4. Finally go to the "info" subdirectory and remove any files with 
"sbcl" in their names, like "sbcl.list", "sbcl.postinst", "sbcl.prerm".

This should do it. Run "fink scanpackages" and "sudo apt-get update", 
and then resume whatever you wanted to do.


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