Martin Costabel wrote:
> Alexander Hansen wrote:
> []
>> I was told that the package functioned on 10.6/64-bit.  I didn't have
>> time actually to verify that on a clean 10.6 system at that time, but
>> verified that it works on 10.5; I applied an update to maxima concurrently.
> There is something weird going on: I have two build logs from yesterday 
> on 10.6/64bit that end with failure, with the error message I mentioned. 
> Now I tried it one more time, and the building and installation went 
> through without error. Nothing has changed in the meantime, except that 
> I switched a couple of times between 32bit and 64bit.

Another weird observation:

Now I am trying "fink rebuild sbcl" on 10.6/32bit, where the previous 
build worked and only the installation of the resulting *.deb file did 
not go through (several times repeated).

It does not build any more: I am now getting the same build error as 
previously on 10.6/64bit:

> WARNING! Some of the contrib modules did not build successfully or pass
> their self-tests. Failed contribs:"
>   sb-posix
> ### execution of SBCL_ARCH="x86" failed, exit code 1

This thing does not seem to build deterministically.


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