Dr. Wolfram Schroers wrote:
> Martin,
> I have followed the instructions and removed the entries from 
> /sw/var/lib/dpkg/status. There were no files with sbcl in their names in the 
> /sw/var/lib/dpkg/info subdirectory. Finally, I ran "fink scanpackages" and 
> "sudo apt-get update".
> When trying to install sbcl again, I got an error message again. 

I can now confirm all the bad things recently said about sbcl on Snow 
Leopard. This package is really badly broken. Unfortunately the error 
messages it produces were not sufficient to make me see the origin of 
the errors. I am CCing the maintainer.

On 10.6/64bit, the build does not complete. The error message is:

> WARNING! Some of the contrib modules did not build successfully or pass
> their self-tests. Failed contribs:"
>   sb-posix
> ### execution of sh failed, exit code 1
> Removing runtime build-lock...
> Removing build-lock package...
> /sw64/bin/dpkg-lockwait -r fink-buildlock-sbcl-1.0.33-1
> (Reading database ... 131593 files and directories currently installed.)
> Removing fink-buildlock-sbcl-1.0.33-1 ...
> Failed: phase compiling: sbcl-1.0.33-1 failed

I don't know where the sh script starts that is reportedly failing. The 
code before the error message looks like a very long list of lisp 
selftests to me.

On 10.6/32bit, the building of the package succeeds, but the *.deb file 
does not install, neither via fink nor via dpkg or apt-get. This is the 
same error Wolfram has been reporting:

> Selecting previously deselected package sbcl.
> (Reading database ... 126383 files and directories currently installed.)
> Unpacking sbcl (from .../sbcl_1.0.33-1_darwin-i386.deb) ...
> /sw32/bin/dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
> ### execution of /sw32/bin/dpkg-lockwait failed, exit code 6

The package is then "half-installed":

> % dpkg -l sbcl
> Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
> | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
> |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
> uppercase=bad)
> ||/ Name                        Version                     Description
> +++-===========================-===========================-======================================================================
> iHR sbcl                        1.0.33-1                    

I have never seen this before. The files of the package are, in reality, 
  almost all installed:

>  ls -R /sw/lib/sbcl/ |wc
>      481     460    8361

Likewise the files in /sw/share/doc/sbcl, but not the files 
Also, /sw/var/lib/dpkg/info does not contain any sbcl* files, and 
/sw/var/lib/dpkg/status contains

> Package: sbcl
> Status: install reinstreq half-installed
> Priority: optional
> Section: languages
> Version: 1.0.33-1

On can purge it:

>  sudo dpkg --purge --force-all sbcl
> dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:
>  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
>  reinstall it before attempting a removal.
> (Reading database ... 
> dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `sbcl' missing, assuming 
> package has no files currently installed.
> 126383 files and directories currently installed.)
> Removing sbcl ...

But this does actually not remove any files. It changes the status to 
"purged", but the installed files are still there, now orphaned. Not nice.


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