I'm experimentally trying to produce a new info file for latest version 
of FreeCiv, as a way of working myself through the packaging tutorial.  The 
package validates successfully, but then i get this:

$ fink -m --build-as-nobody rebuild freeciv
Scanning package description files..........
Information about 3596 packages read in 1 seconds.
Running in Maintainer Mode
Validating package file /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/freeciv.info...
Error: Package version may only contain lowercase letters, numbers,'.', '+' and 
'-' (freeciv.info)
Failed: Please correct the above problems and try again!

        The version number i have used is "2.2.0-RC1", which is faithful to the 
upstream version.  Obviously i need to be less faithful, but what is the 
suggested way to handle this?  Would "2.2.0-rc1" cause any problems?

Sent from my MacBookPro

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