On 5/15/13 12:58 PM, David Lowe wrote:
>       Alright i'm gonna make an attempt to create a .info file from scratch.  
> I have verified that my candidate [SDL-Ball] is not currently in the 
> database.  There is a similar game [lbreakout], but this one is prettier and 
> works correctly with a mouse.  Now i need some advice on dependencies.  The 
> manual has this to say:
>> 2.0 Compiling
>> The basic requirements for compiling sdl-ball is the following libs AND 
>> OpenGL
>> LibGLU
>> SDL1.2
>> SDL-image1.2
>> SDL-ttf1.2
>> SDL-mixer1.2
>> Make, a working C++ compiler and stdlibc++6
> 1) for 'OpenGL', do i depend upon openglut-shlibs?
> 2) What provides libGLU?
> 3) Can i assume that stdlibc++6 is provided through our usual compiler 
> toolchain?
> Sent from Darlene-Lowes-Mac-mini
> Mal: "Jayne, your mouth is talking. You might wanna look to that."

1) OpenGL typically comes either via the OpenGL framework, or via X11. 
In the former case, no dependency needs to be declared, because that 
comes with the OS and we don't have a virtual package for it.  For the 
latter, even though it ships with the OS on current versions, it's good 
to specify Depends: x11-shlibs and BuildDepends: x11-dev, plus 
RuntimeDepends: x11 if it displays in X11. (mesa is also a possibility, 
but I'd recommend not going with that if you don't have to)

2) libGLU is part of OpenGL here:

$ locate libGLU

3) You may indeed assume that stdlibc++6 comes in the standard toolchain.
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
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