     Okay, I see now that you are trying to leverage the openmpi support in
boost. This creates two different problems.

1) On 10.8 and earlier, openmpi uses the gcc-fsf-4.8 and g++-fsf-4.8
compilers so you would need to compile boost against that compiler.
However this will mean that when you link other c++ programs and c++
support libraries against boost1.55 on 10.8 or earlier,
it will be mixing two different libstdc++ releases. The c++ program and
support libraries will be linked against the system libstdc++
(which is from gcc 4.2.1) and boost1.55 will be linked against the newer
libstdc++ from gcc48. This might work but isn't really
a good idea in general.

2) On 10.9 and later, the openmpi compiler wrappers call the clang and
clang++ compilers for c and c++ code and the gfortran-fsf-4.8
compiler for fortran code. So your packaging is broken on 10.9 in that it
breaks the expected compiler usage for openmpi and prevents
the c++ code from being generated to use libc++. The libc++ and libstdc++
ABIs are incompatible and never should be mixed.

On 10.9, you at least want to create a 10.9 variant for boost1.55 which
removes the usage of gcc-fsf-4.8 and g++-fsf-4.8 and restores
the usage of the clang and clang++ compilers via the compiler wrappers.

On reflection, I also don't think you want the stock boost1.55 to build
against openmpi in any case. There should be a boost1.55-openmpi
variant to do that. It really doesn't make sense to build the library as
openmpi code unless you intend to force all the packages that use
boost1.55 to be built with mpicc. mpicxx and mpif90.
ps Also are you sure you didn't enable openmpi in boost1.55 simply because
you were confusing it with openmp? The openmp support
is much more transparent and doesn't require the resulting executables to
be executed through utility programs ala mdrun like openmpi.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Jack Howarth <howarth.at.f...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hanspeter,
>       What is the logic behind making boost1.55 build against the
> g++-fsf-4.8 compiler instead of clang++ on 10.9 and later? By doing that,
> you require any program that links against boost1.55 and all of its support
> libraries to be built with g++-fsf-4.8. We were very careful when Mavericks
> landed to make sure that boost1.53 properly built against libc++ from
> clang++ rather than any of the libstdc++ releases (system or fsf gcc). This
> seems like a major regression in the packaging compared to boost1.53. I am
> surprised you resorted to that as the newer boost release should have even
> more libc++ related fixes than 1.53 did.
>            Jack
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