      It appears that the boost.mpi support can be tested (according to
as follows. On a build with 'fink -m -kK', execute…

cd /sw/src/fink.build/boost1.55-nopython-1.55.0-2/boost_1_55_0/libs/mpi/test

which produces…

...failed updating 1 target...
...skipped 307 targets...
...updated 458 targets...

at the end of the test suite run on darwin13 with a build of the new
boost1.55-nopython-1.55.0-2 packaging.
The documentation says that if no errors are reported it passed.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Jack Howarth <howarth.at.f...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hanspeter,
>         I committed the following changes to boost1.55.info in 10.7 tree
> which rationalizes the packaging on 10.9 so that it
> builds against the correct libc++ c++ library (which is the same one that
> openmpi on 10.9 or later uses)…
> Index: boost1.55.info
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/
> boost1.55.info,v
> retrieving revision 1.1
> diff -r1.1 boost1.55.info
> 4c4
> < Revision: 1
> ---
> > Revision: 2
> 82c82,84
> <
> ---
> > ### Upstream fix for clang 3.4
> https://github.com/boostorg/atomic/commit/6bb71fdd8f7cc346d90fb14beb38b7297fc1ffd9
> > PatchFile3: boost1.55-atomic.patch
> > PatchFile3-MD5: 9dccb1387d5d59bc1b392a1686fd827a
> 94a97
> >  patch -p0 < %{PatchFile3}
> 96c99,101
> <  perl -pi -e 's|g\+\+|%p/bin/g++-fsf-4.8|g'
> tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam
> ---
> >  if [ "`uname -r | cut -d. -f1`" -lt "13" ]; then
> >    perl -pi -e 's|g\+\+|%p/bin/g++-fsf-4.8|g'
> tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam
> >  fi
> The new revision uses the same atomics patch as MacPorts to fix a
> compilation error with clang 3.4 or later. This is a back port
> of the upstream fix from
> https://github.com/boostorg/atomic/commit/6bb71fdd8f7cc346d90fb14beb38b7297fc1ffd9and
>  should be
> in the next boost minor release.
>      I am still concerned about how we are building boost1.55 on 10.8 and
> earlier. As packages switch from boost1.53 to boost1.55,
> the resulting builds should be tested with a test suite or manual run to
> insure that this mixing of the FSF libstdc++ from gcc48
> and the much older system libstdc++ doesn't cause weird run time issues.
> This is one reason I was happy to switch openmpi
> on 10.9 to use clang/clang++. If this mixing of the two different
> libstdc++ releases does in fact destabilize the resulting code,
> I am open to upgrading and revamping the openmpi in 10.8 and earlier so
> that it is on the current upstream release (1.8.1) and
> builds with the system c/c++ compilers (i.e. uses the system libstdc++).
>               Jack
> ps While the gcc48-compiler dependency in the info file appears at first
> unnecessary for 10.9, it is actually a non-issue since the
> openmpi dependency drags that in anyway on 10.9.
> pps I suspect we ought to revision bump any packages which have been
> recently converted from boost1.53 to boost1.55 to
> insure that the files are relinked against the new shared libs that use
> the correct libc++ ABI on 10.9.
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