        I committed the following changes to boost1.55.info in 10.7 tree
which rationalizes the packaging on 10.9 so that it
builds against the correct libc++ c++ library (which is the same one that
openmpi on 10.9 or later uses)…

Index: boost1.55.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/boost1.55.info
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 boost1.55.info
< Revision: 1
> Revision: 2
> ### Upstream fix for clang 3.4
> PatchFile3: boost1.55-atomic.patch
> PatchFile3-MD5: 9dccb1387d5d59bc1b392a1686fd827a
>  patch -p0 < %{PatchFile3}
<  perl -pi -e 's|g\+\+|%p/bin/g++-fsf-4.8|g'
>  if [ "`uname -r | cut -d. -f1`" -lt "13" ]; then
>    perl -pi -e 's|g\+\+|%p/bin/g++-fsf-4.8|g'
>  fi

The new revision uses the same atomics patch as MacPorts to fix a
compilation error with clang 3.4 or later. This is a back port
of the upstream fix from
should be
in the next boost minor release.
     I am still concerned about how we are building boost1.55 on 10.8 and
earlier. As packages switch from boost1.53 to boost1.55,
the resulting builds should be tested with a test suite or manual run to
insure that this mixing of the FSF libstdc++ from gcc48
and the much older system libstdc++ doesn't cause weird run time issues.
This is one reason I was happy to switch openmpi
on 10.9 to use clang/clang++. If this mixing of the two different libstdc++
releases does in fact destabilize the resulting code,
I am open to upgrading and revamping the openmpi in 10.8 and earlier so
that it is on the current upstream release (1.8.1) and
builds with the system c/c++ compilers (i.e. uses the system libstdc++).
ps While the gcc48-compiler dependency in the info file appears at first
unnecessary for 10.9, it is actually a non-issue since the
openmpi dependency drags that in anyway on 10.9.
pps I suspect we ought to revision bump any packages which have been
recently converted from boost1.53 to boost1.55 to
insure that the files are relinked against the new shared libs that use the
correct libc++ ABI on 10.9.
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