On Sat, April 26, 2014 11:14 am, Jack Howarth wrote:
> Hanspeter,
>       What is the logic behind making boost1.55 build against the
> g++-fsf-4.8 compiler instead of clang++ on 10.9 and later? By doing that,
> you require any program that links against boost1.55 and all of its
> support
> libraries to be built with g++-fsf-4.8. We were very careful when
> Mavericks
> landed to make sure that boost1.53 properly built against libc++ from
> clang++ rather than any of the libstdc++ releases (system or fsf gcc).
> This
> seems like a major regression in the packaging compared to boost1.53. I am
> surprised you resorted to that as the newer boost release should have even
> more libc++ related fixes than 1.53 did.
>            Jack


I'm currently traveling and unable to test any issues until Wednesday at
the earliest, but more likely not until the weekend.  I'm OK with the <
10.9 conditional you put in to build with clang++ on 10.9 (plus the atomic
patch).  I'll be back towards the middle/end of the week to further
discuss as needed.  If you feel more changes are needed, please discuss on
here or on #fink with dmacks since he'll understand issues that may arise
from the package management end.  Thanks for your help,


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