Ben Hines writes:
 > On Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 11:23 AM, Viktor Haag wrote:
 > > Alexander Hansen writes:
 > >> I saw a message on the lists earlier to set TERM=vt220 to do
 > >> emacs21 sans X on 10.2.  I can't verify this because I'm still
 > >> running 10.1 .
 > >
 > > Nope, that doesn't work. I just tried it.
 > Would someone like to write this up for the FAQ? It is one. :)
 > This should fix, too:

Sadly, it doesn't.

I followed the instructions, and I am using the vt100-color TERM
now; however, I still get the longer error message with emacs

If I follow the advice in the error message and 'unset TERMCAP',
then trying emacs -nw kicks back the shorter error message:

     emacs: Cannot open termcap database file

Quickly checking a su -, I notice that root's resulting
enviroment doesn't include a TERMCAP value. Aha.

So, does anyone have any further pointers here?

Viktor Haag : Software & Information Design : Research In Motion
    "In many cases the argument over which shell is best for
interactive use is based upon which key to press for completion."

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