On 10/27/02 10:08 PM, "Neal A. Crocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Fink doesn't seem to offer a later version of g77 than g77-2.95.2.  I
 just did a cvs-update to check.
Yes, it does when updating from cvs unstable source:

% fink list
 i   g77              3.1-2002042  GNU FORTRAN77 compiler.
 i   numeric-atlas    22.0-1       Multidim'l numerical arrays for Python
g77 3.1..... is not showing up for me. I just did a selfupdate from CVS from the command line:
[~]% fink selfupdate
sudo /sw/bin/fink selfupdate

Your Fink installation is set up to update package descriptions directly from
CVS. Do you want to use this setup and update now? [Y/n] y

I still only see g77 2.95.2-2 :
[~]% fink list g77
Information about 1403 packages read in 2 seconds.

i g77 2.95.2-2 GNU FORTRAN77 compiler.

Also, as far as I can tell, I'm using the unstable tree. Here's my fink.conf file:

[~]% cat /sw/etc/fink.conf
# Fink configuration, initially created by bootstrap.pl
Mirror-gimp: ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub
KeepBuildDir: false
DownloadMethod: curl
Trees: unstable/main local/main stable/main stable/crypto
Mirror-gnome: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/
FetchAltDir: /Volumes/Data/FinkBase/src/
MirrorCountry: nam-us
RootMethod: sudo
Basepath: /sw
MirrorContinent: nam
KeepRootDir: false
Mirror-cpan: ftp://cpan.cse.msu.edu/
ProxyPassiveFTP: true
Mirror-ctan: ftp://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/
Mirror-sourceforge: http://west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/
Mirror-gnu: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu
Verbose: 0


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