Martin von Weissenberg wrote:
In my opinion, *-nox is a bad way to name packages: a better way would be to have three packages nmap-common, nmap and nmap-gnome, the latter two being front-ends that both depend on nmap-common but conflict with each other. Then you can install one or the other, and common files would be kept in nmap-common.
Feel free to submit a feature request in the corresponding tracker on sourceforge. In general, fink packages try to respect the configuration of the original package as far as possible. In the case of nmap, the default configuration, if you don't do anything, installs the X11 frontend. For nmap-nox, the patch file has to disable explicitly the compilation of nmapfe.

Niclas Davidsson wrote:
> Hrmm, ok, that sounded very straightforward until I tried at it
> myself....take a look at this:

> % dpkg -L nmap
> /.
> /sw
> /sw/bin
> /sw/bin/nmap

I have in addition

(actually, I see now that xnmap is a symlink to nmapfe)

> /sw/share/man
> /sw/share/man/man1
> /sw/share/man/man1/nmap.1

I have


Otherwise, I have the same as you. No idea how this is possible. Maybe if you compile nmap while X11 is not installed?


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