On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 02:45 PM, Kow K wrote:
It doesn't look so. I downloaded the SDK package, read the License Agreement, but found no mention of XonX project ...
You need the user package too.  The SDK is just libraries.

Should I install this (if the link ever becomes active) in lieu of
XDarwin.app? Will my fink-installed packages work in Apple's X11?
You'd better watch it out for now, I'd say.
Yeah, we're talking about it on #fink right now and doing some testing. I've got system-xfree86 updated to allow installation, but whether it's a good idea yet is another matter, and will take some investigation. =)

This is all too bizarre. Didn't see this coming AT ALL!
Yeah, it is!

(But I personally won't be so surprised even if Apple started something weird.)
I'm suprised as well, but think it's pretty cool...

Is this related somehow to the Apple/GNU Darwin break up that was discussed on Darwin users list recently?
GNU-Darwin != Apple's darwin.

GNU-Darwin is a fork of Apple's darwin, and is in no way related to darwin or opendarwin, except for having the same ancestral codebase.

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