Hi everyone,

Following a "sudo fink update-all", I was greeted with the following (which 
left me scratching my head):

Information about 9508 packages read in 3 seconds.

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The 

(1)     octave: Matlab-like language for computations
(2)     octave-atlas: Matlab-like language for computations

Pick one: [1] 

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The 

(1)     gnuplot: Command-driven interactive plotting program
(2)     gnuplot-nox: Command-driven interactive plotting program
(3)     gnuplot-nogtk: Command-driven interactive plotting program

Pick one: [1] 

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The 

(1)     help2man-perl588: Generates man pages from program output
(2)     help2man-perl5100: Generates man pages from program output

Pick one: [1] 

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The 

(1)     ptex-base: ASCII publishing TeX
(2)     ptex-nox-base: ASCII publishing TeX
(3)     tetex-nox-base: Base programs for a teTeX installation
(4)     tetex-base: Base programs for a teTeX installation
(5)     texlive-nox-base: Base programs for a TeX Live installation
(6)     texlive-base: Base programs for a TeX Live installation

Pick one: [1] 

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The 

(1)     texlive-base: Base programs for a TeX Live installation
(2)     texlive-nox-base: Base programs for a TeX Live installation

Pick one: [1] 
The following package will be installed or updated:
The following 263 additional packages will be installed:
 app-defaults appleotffonts applesystemfonts aquaterm aquaterm-dev 
aquaterm-shlibs atk1 atk1-shlibs audiofile audiofile-bin audiofile-shlibs 
autoconf avahi avahi-dev bison cairo cairo-shlibs cloog cloog-shlibs cmake
 compress-raw-bzip2-pm5100 compress-raw-zlib-pm5100 crypt-ssleay-pm5100 
cyrus-sasl2-dev cyrus-sasl2-shlibs daemonic dbus dbus-dev dbus-glib1.2-dev 
dbus-glib1.2-shlibs dbus-shlibs dbus1.3-dev dbus1.3-shlibs
 default-icon-theme docbook-dsssl-nwalsh docbook-dtd docbook-utils docbook-xsl 
doxygen emboss-libajax6-shlibs emboss-libnucleus6-shlibs esound esound-bin 
esound-common esound-shlibs fftw3 fftw3-shlibs
 fink-obsolete-packages flex-devel fondu freeglut freeglut-shlibs gcc44 
gcc44-compiler gcc44-shlibs gconf2 gconf2-dev gconf2-shlibs getoptbin glib2-dev 
glib2-shlibs glitz glitz-shlibs glpk-dev glpk-shlibs gmp gmp-shlibs
 gnome-base gnome-common gnome-doc-utils gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring-dev 
gnome-keyring-shlibs gnome-mime-data gnome-vfs2-unified gnome-vfs2-unified-dev 
gnome-vfs2-unified-shlibs gnuplot gst-plugins-base-0.10
 gst-plugins-base-0.10-dev gst-plugins-base-0.10-shlibs gstreamer-0.10 
gstreamer-0.10-dev gstreamer-0.10-shlibs gtk+2 gtk+2-dev gtk+2-shlibs gtk-doc 
hdf5 hdf5-bin hdf5-shlibs help2man-perl588 html-parser-pm5100
 html-tagset-pm icon-naming-utils intltool40 io-compress-pm5100 jadetex 
lasi-dev lasi-shlibs libart2 libart2-shlibs libavahi-client3-shlibs 
libavahi-common3-shlibs libavahi-core6-shlibs libavahi-glib1-dev
 libavahi-glib1-shlibs libbonobo2 libbonobo2-dev libbonobo2-shlibs 
libbonoboui2-dev libbonoboui2-shlibs libcdparanoia0-dev libcdparanoia0-shlibs 
libcurl4 libdaemon libdaemon-shlibs libdatrie1 libdatrie1-shlibs libgcrypt
 libgcrypt-shlibs libgettext3-dev libglade2 libglade2-shlibs libgmpxx-shlibs 
libgnome2 libgnome2-dev libgnome2-shlibs libgnomecanvas2 libgnomecanvas2-dev 
libgnomecanvas2-shlibs libgnomecups-dev libgnomecups-shlibs
 libgnomeprint2.2-dev libgnomeprint2.2-shlibs libgnomeprintui2.2-dev 
libgnomeprintui2.2-shlibs libgnomeui2-dev libgnomeui2-shlibs libgpg-error 
libgpg-error-shlibs libidl2 libidl2-shlibs libidn libidn-shlibs libjasper.1
 libjasper.1-shlibs libjpeg8 libkpathsea4 libkpathsea4-shlibs liblzma-shlibs 
libmpc2 libmpc2-shlibs libmpfr1 libmpfr1-shlibs libogg libogg-shlibs liboil-0.3 
liboil-0.3-shlibs libpng14 libpng14-shlibs librarian.08-shlibs
 libtasn1-3 libtasn1-3-shlibs libthai libthai-dev libthai-shlibs 
libtheora0-shlibs libtiff libtiff-bin libtiff-shlibs libtool14 libtool14-shlibs 
libvorbis0-shlibs libwww libwww-bin libwww-pm5100 libwww-shlibs libxml2
 libxml2-bin libxml2-py26 libxml2-shlibs libxslt libxslt-bin libxslt-shlibs 
locale-gettext-pm588 make mysql-unified-dev mysql-unified-shlibs nkf ocaml 
octave openjade openldap24-dev openldap24-shlibs openmotif3
 openmotif3-shlibs opensp4 opensp4-dev opensp4-shlibs orbit2 orbit2-dev 
orbit2-shlibs pango1-xft2-ft219 pango1-xft2-ft219-dev pango1-xft2-ft219-shlibs 
passwd pdflib6 pdflib6-shlibs perl588-core pixman pixman-shlibs
 plotutils plotutils-dev plotutils-shlibs plplot-dev plplot-shlibs postgresql84 
postgresql84-dev postgresql84-shlibs ppl ppl-shlibs ptex-base ptex-texmf 
ptexenc ptexenc-shlibs python26 python26-shlibs pyxml-py26 qhull
 rarian rarian-compat sdl sdl-shlibs sed sgml-entities-iso8879 sgmls-pm 
shared-mime-info suitesparse swig szip szip-shlibs t1lib5-nox t1lib5-nox-shlibs 
t1lib5-x11 t1lib5-x11-shlibs texlive-base texlive-texmf uri-pm5100
 wxgtk2.8 wxgtk2.8-shlibs xdg-base xfontpath xft2-dev xft2-shlibs xinitrc xmkmf 
xml-namespacesupport-pm xml-parser-pm5100 xml-sax-expat-pm5100 xml-sax-pm5100 
xml-simple-pm5100 xz
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

This is an EMBOSS update:

(i)  emboss                                       6.3.1-101                     
    Molecular Biology Open Software Suite


Darwin 10.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.4.0: Fri Apr 23 18:28:53 PDT 2010; 
root:xnu-1504.7.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386

Question: when (or more importantly, why) did EMBOSS suddenly require the 
installation of (all of) 263 dependencies, including what appears to be all of 

Thanks in advance for insight into this.


Scott R. Santos
Department of Biological Sciences &
Cell and Molecular Biosciences Peak Program
Auburn University
101 Life Science Building, Rm. 128
Auburn, AL 36849
Tele # (334) 844-7410
Fax # (334) 844-1645
Email: san...@auburn.edu
Lab Website: http://www.auburn.edu/~santosr/

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