The NYPD and LA PD SWAT teams both use Barret .50 BMG rifles. So I guess state 
law should follow the federal .50 caliber max regulations. .50 BMG is in common 
use by police departments on both coast.
Conceding in advance the futility of this suggestion (it is too simple 
andreasonable), let governments define the dividing line by their own actions. 

At very least (setting aside the military nature of the militia), the Second 
Amendment protects civilian weapons in the hands of civilians.

In this country federal, state and local law enforcment agencies are civilian, 
not military organizations. They are not trained, equipped, or expected to wage 
war. They are trained, equipped and expected to suppress crime and defend 
against criminals who prey upon civilians.

Accordingly, any weapon issued or authorized to law enforcement agencies is a 
weapon suitable for civilians to defend against crime. Such a weapon is not 
useful solely in waging war. Thus, it is a weapon protected in the hands of 
civilians by the Second Amendment.

Problem solved.

(Except for a few details. If Montana, alone amongst federal, state, and local 
governments in the US issues flamethrowers to its highway patrol would 
flamethrowers be legal for civilians only in Montana or everywhere? Maybe we 
could toss the gun controllers a bone and retrict thmem to civilans there.)

John E. Briggs

If they don't trust us with guns, how can we trust them with the government?
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better 
than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not 
your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your 
chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our 
countrymen". Samuel Adams,

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