Here is my list:

1) I still would like to see this implemented (without the need of external
mechanisms), but I'm not sure if it would be possible at all:

2) I second Jesus Garcia request for native replication, since people at
FDD and in FireBase's list are always claiming about the lack of such

3) A way to schedule some tasks direct in FB, for example,
running procures, sweeps, statistics recalcs, etc. at specific
scheduled days/times. What would be accepted as a task could be
limited to whatever you guys thinks that would be "safe" to implement:

4) A way to access data in external files/non-fb-databases . AFAIR,
this was planned as an extension of currently "execute statement"

5) An embedded Firebird version for Android (even if only "basic"
server features could be available):

6) Custom messages for FK exceptions (and check constraints too):

7) It is known that mixing DDL/DML in the same transaction can cause
corruption in DBs. If this cannot be 100% fixed, I suggest to
introduce some mechanism to detect such situation and avoid the
execution of the statement before corruption happens.

8) Enhancement to the numerics calculations. The currently rule of
summing the scale of the types involved in muls/divs is very bad and
can easily cause overflow. Maybe FB could automatically truncate the
result to the maximum precision possible to accommodate the final
value. Even better if the truncation happens only in the final result
(not during the internal calculations).

After your comments, I can create the missing tickets in the tracker,
only for the features that has any chance to be implemented.

I suggest that if some of those features are impossible to be
implemented, their existing tickets should be marked to "Wont/Fix" and
the details of "why" be added to the comments.

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