On 28-4-2014 16:29, Carlos H. Cantu wrote:
> 8) Enhancement to the numerics calculations. The currently rule of
> summing the scale of the types involved in muls/divs is very bad and
> can easily cause overflow. Maybe FB could automatically truncate the
> result to the maximum precision possible to accommodate the final
> value. Even better if the truncation happens only in the final result
> (not during the internal calculations).

This behavior is defined in the SQL standard (SQL:2011 Foundation, 
section 6.27) for multiplication (see sub c), with division we can 
choose (see sub d):

1) If the declared type of both operands of a dyadic arithmetic operator 
is exact numeric, then the declared type of the result is an 
implementation-defined exact numeric type, with precision and scale 
determined as
a) Let S1 and S2 be the scale of the first and second operands respectively.
b) The precision of the result of addition and subtraction is 
implementation-defined, and the scale is the maximum of S1 and S2.
c) **The precision of the result of multiplication is 
implementation-defined, and the scale is S1 + S2**.
d) The precision and scale of the result of division are 

I'd suggest that instead the maximum precision of DECIMAL and NUMERIC 
should be increased.

Mark Rotteveel

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