ABS> I am pretty near and will do it with pleasure ! :)

One less speaker at FDD so :P

FireBase - http://www.FireBase.com.br

ABS> Em 28/4/2014 18:21, Claudio Valderrama C. escreveu:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Carlos H. Cantu [mailto:lis...@warmboot.com.br]
>>> Sent: Lunes, 28 de Abril de 2014 12:30
>>> DY> Thanks, but I seemed to explicitly state that plain
>>> wishlists don't
>>> DY> count.
>>> It seems that I also didn't understand that you wanted separated
>>> messages for each feature discussion :(
>> Don't worry. If you go wrong, we will simply ask a volunteer to crucify you.
>> ;-)
>> C.

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