On 08/11/14 16:08, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> On 11/08/2014 08:50, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
>> On 08/11/14 15:18, Jim Starkey wrote:
>>> Adriano, you are arguing that you are right and the rest of the world is 
>>> wrong.
>>> COM is designed so any language can use it, but C++ can use either as 
>>> explicit vectors of method pointer OR as a pure virtual interface.  Either 
>>> works, but using it as a C++ mechanism is very simple and powerful.
>> Either works as long as vtable in C++ pure virtual interface has format
>> exactly matching an explicit vector of method pointers.
>> If some way can be proofed that it must always be so and another format
>> of vtable is just a bug of compiler developers, I'll be glad to continue
>> using c++ pure virtual interfaces (like it's done now).
> Current method also has the problem of manually deal with exceptions and
> reliable upgrade interfaces, so to make it better, you anyway should go
> a slight different approach.

Yes, certainly. But (except ability to place version in vtable as a 
number, not a call), we can build thin layer around C++ class too.

> I proposed something who fixed this and also creates a stable vtable,
> which can also be accessed by both Delphi and FPC, different from current.

I also do not understand what's bad in maintaining vtable ourself.

> With some small work, it seems I can even remove the necessity to suffix
> the interface methods with "Impl" word.

Not to say it's really critical but if can be done fine.

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