On 07/26/2015 01:39 PM, James Starkey wrote:
> Get real.  Read about the actual problems. Bthe issue is that there is a
> theoretical problem that a manufactured duplicate collision could be
> manufactored in something like time 2^82, something that nobody has
> actually be able to do.
> Sure, SHA-1 has a known weakeness.  It's replacement probably has an as yet
> unknown weakness as well.
> If you were starting over from scratch, you wouldn't want to use SHA-1 to
> avoid wasting time with discussions like this.  See also RC4.  But the
> problem with SHA-1 doesn't justify the inconvenience of changing it.

I do not see serious inconveniences with it. BTW, what hash can you 
suggest instead?

> Now, all that said, if the only use of SHA-1 is to flatten the "master key"
> in SRP into a session key, then there is no dependency on SHA-1 as a
> cryptographic hash, only as randomizing hash, and the weakness is
> irrelevant.  But if it's used to store passwords, that's a security problem
> so huge that any SHA-1 weakness doesn't even come into it.
> Context is everything.

Yes, SHA-1 is used to store password hashes. For SRP an exponent of 
SHA1(login, salt, password) modulus the prime is stored.

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