On 2016-02-29 13:02, Carlos H. Cantu wrote:
> MR> Let me make my position clear: I don't see the need to support a 
> 14
> MR> year old OS that has had no updates (including security updates) 
> since
> MR> April 2014. If you're in business with such systems, you are 
> operating
> MR> irresponsibly and I see no need to support such behavior. Also if 
> you
> MR> are using such outdated systems, how likely is that you update to 
> a
> MR> newer Firebird version; I think that is unlikely, so again why 
> would we
> MR> need or want to support that.
> When you say "you", I hope you are referring the message reader, and
> not myself,

I was using the indefinite you to refer to "people still using XP".


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