Em 01/03/2016 15:03, Jim Starkey escreveu:
> What I would like is for the memory allocator to initialize everything 
> to zero/null/false like Java and my original memory pools.  Why waste 
> the code to manually initialize everything with the risk of missing 
> something when it could easily be centralized. But C++ semantics what 
> they are, it would make classes ultra-non-portable.
> I've used smart pointers a number of times and have a pair of smart 
> point templates in my set of base classes, but I've found them to next 
> to useless.  Functions don't need them and a conditional call to release 
> in a destructor is no big deal.

Well, I think if your next sentences are important, you should re-send
them in another context.

I stopped reading here. :D

I think it's fine if _you want to limit yourself in your projects_ to
the C++ features you found comfortable...


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