> But since nobody seemed to want it, I stopped work on it.
> Its not a simple exercise

<<I understand. But *must* be a market for this, Embarcadero have it with 
interbase, https://realm.io/ is kind of popular (as many other NoSql options).>>

Thats your opinion, I did a port for firebird 2.x a few years ago...


I got virtually no feed back, which maked me wonder who, other that yourself 
wants it... if there were any serious users who wanted this they could have let 
me know,
I work for a company that specialises in Firebird development, support and 

On a plus point - thankfully nowadays there is no need for 
a statically combined binary....

<<Firebird have a very poor marketing execution>>

Its an open source database which is truly open source, i.e. anybody
can download and use it with any type of application without having to
worry about licensing issues. Money given to the Firebird Foundation is
spent on development not marketing...


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