On 11/06/2019 12:20, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
> On 11/06/2019 12:13, Karol Bieniaszewski wrote:
>>>> as the field stores the UTC time
>> I know naive but..
>> If conversion table is not available then if it is stored as utc why
>> not showing it as
>> „15:09:49 UTC”?
>> PS. one more dll is not the problem for me, but maybe for others..
> Because it's not UTC.
> If user wants UTC, then he "select current_timestamp at time zone 'utc'
> from rdb$database;".

Should be "select current_timestamp at time zone '00' from
rdb$database;" currently.

There is no heuristic to treat UTC or GMT without ICU at the moment, but
can be added.


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