On 14-6-2019 14:56, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
14.06.2019 14:58, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
I prefer the current approach where the time is communicated in UTC with the offset or region information added for presentation purposes. Having the time in UTC will always allow a fallback to at least a usable value instead of having a meaningless value if the region is unknown or - for example - the offset is invalid (eg the maximum range of offsets supported by Firebird is wider than the range of offsets supported by Java).

  Mapping between region_ID and regin_Name could be easily obtained from server (RDB$TIME_ZONES) if necessary. It could be done once per client process lifetime.
Initial mapping could be hardcoded into Jaybird and updated when necessary.
We can even auto generate corresponding file from ICU sources as it currently
done for fbclient.

There is no guarantee that Java has a suitable time zone mapping for the names used by Firebird. So in that case I would have a meaningless value. I repeat, having the value in UTC clientside provides options for meaningful fallback.

While implementing this feature in Jaybird I even considered using the approach used by the PostgreSQL JDBC and that was simply always using the UTC time and not even bothering with the offset and region information.

I think you are considering this a bit too much from the perspective of flexible ad-hoc querying, instead of general usage of SQL in an application that might be deployed to widely varying environments where you won't have the luxury of changing the query or the session time zone to fix a problem.

  I consider a nightmare of deploying and maintaining ICU libraries at every
client machine.

Then another solution needs to be found. Maybe Firebird should always communicate offsets instead of regions, or the pre-calculated offset mentioned elsewhere could be solution.


PS what do you think about offer (a) above ?

We were discussing (a) (value is in target zone) here and I don't like it. If anything, maybe (b) (pre-calculate offset) might work, but that could be ambiguous (eg consider what happens with a value that has an offset and a pre-calculated offset with different values).

Mark Rotteveel

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